Economics Paper

English Medium

Gujarati Medium

Economics Sem 4 English Medium

Most Imp Questions

1. Discuss the factors affecting propensity to consume.
2. Explain the relationship between Investments, marginal efficiency of capital and rate of interest.
3. Explain the limitations of multiplier.
4. Leakages of multiplier.
5. Explain in detail the characteristics of trade cycles.
6. Causes of disequilibrium in the balance of payments.
7. Explain in detail the purchasing power parity theory.
8. Explain the objectives of Public Expenditure.
9. Explain in detail the theory of effective demand.
10. Factors affecting incidence of Tax.
11. Prof. J. B. Say's law of markets.

March/April 2018

1. Answer the following questions briefly.
(1) State the Pigou's wage-cut theory.
(2) What is meant by random Fluctuations?
(3) What is balance of payment?
(4) What is devaluation of a currency ?
(5) State the phases of a trade cycle.
2. Discuss the factors affecting propensity to consume.
3. Explain marginal efficiency of capital and rate of interest.
4. Explain the limitations of multiplier.
5. Discuss the characteristics of trade cycles.
6. Discuss the causes of disequilibrium in balance of payments.
7. Explain the relative form of the purchasing power parity theory.
8. Discuss the causes of Public debt.
9. Explain the objectives of Public Expenditure.
10. Write short notes :
(1) The theory of effective demand.
(2) Average propensity to consume and marginal propensity to consume.
(3) Factors affecting incidence of Tax.
(4) Importance of Public Debt.

October/November 2018

1. Answer the following questions briefly:
(1) Give the definition of full employment.
(2) What is average propensity to consume and marginal propensity to consume?
(3) What is meant by marginal efficiency of Capital?
(4) Give the definition of trade cycle.
(5) What is meant by exchange rate?
2. Explain in detail the theory of effective demand.
3. Explain the relationship between Investments, marginal efficiency of capital and rate of interest.
4. State the causes of disequilibrium in the balance of payments. Explain the remedies to remove imbalance in the balance of payments.
5. Explain in detail the purchasing power parity theory.
6. Write short notes :
(1) Factors affecting propensity to consume.
(2) The types of trade cycles.
(3) Leakages of multiplier.
(4) The types of public debt.

March/April 2019

1. Answer the following questions briefly.
(1) What is meant by full employment?
(2) State the limitations of multiplier.
(3) What is difference between balance of trade and balance of payments?
(4) What is meant by currency devaluation?
(5) What is meant by public expenditure?
2. Prof. J. B. Say's law of market.
3. Factors affecting propensity to consume.
4. Explain the various stages of trade cycles with diagram.
5. The Causes of disequilibrium in the balance of payments.
6. The absolute form of the purchasing power parity theory.
7. Effects of public expenditure.
8. Classification of public debt.
9. Write short Notes :
(1) The theory of effective demand.
(2) Marginal Efficiency of capital and investment.
(3) The concept of multiplier of Pro.Keynes.
(4) Factors affecting incidence of Tax.

October/November 2019

1. Answer the following questions briefly.
(1) What is aggregate demand price and aggregate supply price?
(2) Explain the concept of investment multiplier.
(3) State the phases of a trade cycle.
(4) What is meant by exchange rate?
(5) What is meant by incidence of tax?
2. Explain the theory of effective demand with diagram.
3. Marginal efficiency of capital and rate of interest.
4. Leakages of multiplier.
5. Explain in detail the characteristics of trade cycles.
6. Causes of disequilibrium in the balance of payments.
7. The relative form of the purchasing power parity theory.
8. Write Short Note :
(1) Prof. J. B. Say's law of markets.
(2) Objective factors affecting propensity to consume.
(3) Difference between public finance and private finance.
(4) Objectives of Public expenditure Write short Notes.