Corporate Account Paper-4
English Medium
Gujarati Medium

Most Imp Questions
1. Vertical profit and loss account with imaginary figures
2. Contingent assets and contingent liabilities
3. Difference between internal reconstruction and external reconstruction
4. Method of reducing share capital
5. Give the conditions for reduction of capital
March/April 2017
1. Capital Reduction fund
2. Profit prior to and after incorporation of a company and its use
3. Vertical profit and loss account with imaginary figures
4. Contingent liability and assets
5. Difference between internal and external reconstruction
March/April 2018
1. Liquidator's remuneration and fully secured creditors
2. Method of reducing share capital
3. Difference between internal reconstruction and external reconstruction
October/November 2018
1. Give the conditions for reduction of share capital
2. What are preferential creditors? Discuss the various types of preferential creditors in the event liquidation of a company
3. Differentiate Internal Reconstruction and External Reconstruction
March/April 2019
1. SEBI guidelines for issue of Bonus-shares
2. Provisions of Companies Act for capital reduction
3. Contingent assets and contingent liabilities
4. Redemption of preference share capital.
5. Write short note on certified work and uncertified work
October/November 2019
1. Discuss different methods of redemption of preference shares
2. Give the conditions for reduction of capital
3. Vertical profit and loss account with imaginary figures
4. Write short note on real estate accounting
5. Sources of Bonus share